3 Ways to Increase Traffic to A New Website

Creating your new business website can oftentimes be stressful and confusing, especially when you are results focussed. You want to make an impact from the start, and grow to your full potential. Using the best marketing techniques, strong content and optimised pages can greatly increase the way you perform from the get go. But, in order to stand out from the rest, it may be worth doing something extra.

Although the start may be slow, the following tips can be implemented to greatly increase your chances in gaining traffic in the initial stages of your website.

1. Guest Post

One way to get fast traffic to your site is through the use of guest posts. It allows you to use an industry voice of authority on your website, and garner the interest of their followers or audiences. Not only this, but it adds a third-party voice within your site and offers a non-biased standpoint. Harnessing the use of a guest poster can influence the volume of people viewing your site, especially by hyperlinking content within the post.

2. Social Media

Building on a social audience can be a fast and effective way to gain viewership on your website. It is also a great way to gain an understanding on the number of potential consumers and, based on their geographical location or interests, marketing accordingly towards them. Whether it is natural attraction, or advertisements displayed over your networking, it is a vital piece to the overall puzzle of building a website.

Social media can also be used to your business’s advantage, specifically when it comes to conversation. It allows you to tap into your industry, and any trending topics that may be popular within your industry. By doing so, you can voice your take on the topic, or offer an industry voice that will aid conversation and promote the viewership of your products and services. As long as you offer a fresh, knowledgeable or innovative perspective on a trending topic, you will gain interest that can be converted to website views.

3. PPC

One way to be viewed relatively quickly is by using paid advertising or PPC. Both have guaranteed visibility through either search engines or social media platforms. Google includes PPC at the top of any search that uses the keywords that you have. This means, that you will rank higher due to being a paid advertisement and generate a wider audience. Although this is a non-organic way of gaining followers, it does increase overall visibility and reach. If you have the spare money within your overall marketing campaign, it could be worth the investment to have PPC included.