Take control of your customer journey with next-level lead generation from First Page Hong Kong

Take control of your customer journey with next-level lead generation from First Page Hong Kong

Take control of your customer journey with next-level lead generation from First Page Hong Kong

Youโ€™re here for one reason – your business needs more leads.

Well, the truth is that you don’t JUST need more leads.

Yes, getting leads is the end goal, but itโ€™s just one piece of the puzzle.

To win in business these days, you have to look at the bigger picture. You have to create a marketing system that delivers your business high-quality leads day after day – all on autopilot!

Well, how exactly do you do this?

By developing a next-level marketing funnel.

The best businesses in the world all know – to generate blazing hot leads on a day to day basis, you need to design and implement a well-designed funnel.

A well-oiled marketing funnel allows you to take control of your customer journey and optimize it every single step of the way. Once your funnel is complete, you will basically have an automated machine that develops cold leads into blazing hot customers, 365 days a year.

Say goodbye to struggling for leads. This is the secret weapon that will transform your business into a lead-generation powerhouse – overnight!

Weโ€™ll design and implement a bespoke marketing funnel that will revolutionize your business

Weโ€™ll design and implement a bespoke marketing funnel that will revolutionize your business

Weโ€™ll design and implement a bespoke marketing funnel that will revolutionize your business

While marketing funnels are undeniably powerful, they have dozens of moving parts and can be quite complex to design and execute.

Thatโ€™s where we come into play.

Over the past 10 years, First Page has grown to be Hong Kongโ€™s premiere Digital Agency.

We have built lead-generating funnels for hundreds of businesses like yours – from local SMEs to global enterprises in dozens of different industries.

This kind of experience is crucial when building a funnel. A truly exceptional marketing funnel will have dozens of moving parts. After the funnel is live, it requires a water-tight strategy, flawless execution, and detailed analysis to identify any leaks or potential improvements.

But we take it even a step furtherโ€ฆ

We believe that to build a truly remarkable funnel; we need to integrate our agency into your business. This means we will take the time to understand your business model, conduct thorough competitor research, and adopt your KPIs as our own.

This is why we are the best. We look at you as a partner in business. Your funnel is our funnel.

If you are interested in working together and transforming your business into a lead-generation machine, click the button below to speak with a Digital Strategist now.

Claim your 100% free REVENUE GROWTH strategy session with an experienced digital strategist valued at $2000HKD.

We outline foolproof strategies for significantly increasing website traffic and revenue, even in difficult economic times.

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An overview of lead generation

Generally speaking, lead generation is the process of generating consumer interest for your products or services with the goal of converting them to a sale. Leads can come in all shapes and forms, but the most common types of leads are one of two things – email addresses and/or phone numbers. These types of leads are typically considered to be the most powerful as they give you a direct line of communication with your potential customer. From there, the goal is to nurture the lead and drive them toward making a purchase.

While all businesses should be heavily invested in lead generation, the term is often used for companies that offer services – often in the B2B sphere. If your business provides services, then lead generation needs to be at the heart of your marketing efforts. Having said that, businesses that offer physical products (like eCommerce businesses) can benefit greatly from capturing leads as well.

There are endless ways to generate leads in this day and age. Most leads are collected in the form of email addresses or phone numbers. These are considered the most powerful types of leads because they give you a direct form of communication with the prospective customer.

The most common method of generating leads is through what is referred to as a โ€˜lead formโ€™. Youโ€™ve seen these all over the internet, and they can be an extremely effective method of generating leads. If someone is interested in your product or service and wants to learn more, then filling out an online lead form is one of the best ways for them to stay connected with your business. Sometimes people are less willing to give up their contact information, so businesses like yours can offer something in exchange, such as an eBook, white paper, or free audit. This is called a ‘lead magnet’ and can be an extremely effective way to generate more leads.

Generating leads can be as simple as putting a contact form on your website and calling it a day. But this is far from the most effective way to collect leads for your business. Sure, by doing this, some leads might trickle in here or there, but without a refined funnel, you will never be able to generate a large number of high-quality leads on autopilot.

In contrast, a lead generation funnel is a system that is designed to generate leads, and bring them further down your funnel, one step at a time. These types of funnels are typically automated, and can be easily tweaked or optimized to improve leaks in the funnel. To make a funnel for your business, you need a comprehensive and holistic digital strategy that starts at the top of the funnel, and effectively brings your customers down to where they hopefully make a purchase. It takes time, but the juice is absolutely worth the squeeze.

While there is no โ€˜best wayโ€™ to generate leads, itโ€™s safe to say that there are some best practices that we would recommend. A common way to generate leads is through Google Search Ads or Facebook ads. These platforms work on a PPC (pay per click) model, which means that you pay every time someone clicks on one of your ads. Just because someone clicks on your ad doesn’t mean they will convert, but many times they will. From there, you will have their email or phone number, and you can bring them further down your funnel.

Another great way to generate leads is through content marketing. If you publish content that helps people solve their problems, it will create a relationship of trust with them, making them more likely to give you their contact information. One of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads is through SEO (search engine optimization). By ranking high on search engines for relevant user queries, you can generate high-quality leads on autopilot.

Yes. In fact, here at First Page, we think that SEO is not only one of the most efficient ways to generate leads, but it’s also one of the most cost-effective ways. This is due to the nature of SEO. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’ and is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engines. While this term mainly refers to Google, it can also refer to Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go, and other search engines.

The goal of SEO is to identify keywords that are relevant to your business, and optimize your site to try and rank for those keywords. The higher you get in Googleโ€™s rankings, the more traffic you will receive. This means that SEO traffic is highly qualified, as they are searching for queries that are relevant to your products or services. Once they are on your site, the chances that they will convert are high, especially if you entice them with a lead magnet or some sort of discount offer.

If you are looking to start generating high-quality leads TODAY, then Google Search Ads are far and away one of the best options. Google Search Ads work on a PPC (pay per click) model, which means that every time someone clicks on one of your ads, you pay Google a fee for that click. If someone clicks on your ad, you then have a high chance of converting them into a lead.
Similar to SEO, Google Search Ads allow you to target keywords related to the product or service you are selling. This means that the clicks/leads that you ARE getting are going to be highly qualified. We have seen massive lead generation success from Google Search Ad campaigns, especially if you entice visitors with a lead magnet or discount. Unlike SEO, though, once you stop paying for Google Search Ads, your traffic (and lead generation) will immediately stop.

Similar to Google Search Ads, Facebook Ads work on a PPC model, and are an extremely effective way to generate leads for your business. Facebook’s network is highly sophisticated – they have gathered data on their users, meaning that you can target your ads to display to people who are more likely to be interested in your products or services. This type of targeting can be done by age, geographic location, demographics, personal interests, and much more.

We have seen tremendous success with companies who choose to go down the Facebook Ads route. But while Facebookโ€™s targeting is extremely sophisticated, you canโ€™t just throw an ad up and hope for the best. You need to know exactly who you are targeting, and you also need to make iterations to your campaign to ensure it is running at maximum efficiency. You will also want to ensure you include eye-catching graphics and alluring copy to ensure that people are more likely to click on your advertisement.

Probably the most overlooked way to generate leads, content marketing can be extremely effective if executed correctly. Start by publishing high-quality blog posts on your website. These blog posts should function differently than your primary product pages. Blog posts should branch out from your services and help your potential customers learn new things or solve their problems. This will help build trust and increase the likelihood of generating a lead.

Content marketing is an especially effective way of generating leads when it is paired with SEO. Think about it – if you are going to take the time to write a fantastic blog post, you might as well make sure it’s optimized for search engines to help it rank on Google and bring in even more traffic. Make sure that your blog posts are targeting keywords that are relevant to your industry so that you can bring leads down your funnel.

How lead generation can help your business

Many business owners make the mistake of believing that they should be looking to generate any type of leads. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, it would be best if you were focusing your efforts on obtaining high-quality leads. The difference between the two is night and day. High-quality leads mean higher conversion rates and less time wasted on leads that never would have converted to begin with. It’s working smarter, not harder.

The best way to get high-quality leads is to generate them through your website or through an advertising campaign. Do not, we repeat, do NOT ever buy a list of leads from a seller. These types of leads are going to be worthless. Instead, focus on the larger picture and create a well-oiled marketing funnel that delivers leads directly to you on autopilot. SEO, Google Search Ads, Facebook Ads, and content marketing are proven strategies that can start building high-quality leads – and quickly!

While the principles of lead generation are similar, there are important differences to be aware of depending on if you are B2B or B2C. B2B businesses typically rely on leads much more than B2C companies. This is because your services are likely more nuanced, more detailed, and often more expensive (at least when compared to eCommerce/physical products).

The best way to start a funnel for B2B lead generation is to pick a strategy – will you choose to go with paid ads (like Google and Facebook) or content (SEO + content marketing). Once you decide that, it’s time to implement your strategy. It’s important to remember that you should optimize every step of your funnel to its fullest potential. While they can be time consuming, making high-quality lead magnets (like eBooks and white papers) can convert crazy good. Also, if you are gathering email addresses, an automated email funnel (from Hubspot or SalesForce) can really help optimize the entire process. Automated funnels can also be time-consuming to create, but they are one of the most powerful ways to bring your leads down your funnel.

B2C lead generation is similar to B2B lead generation in many ways, but there are also some key differences to be aware of. Many B2C companies sell physical products, which are simpler to understand than the services of a B2B company. For this reason, consumers are more likely to purchase your product without having to take them down a long, winding funnel. To start a marketing funnel for B2C lead generation, first decide if you want to start with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or SEO/content marketing. Once you decide, you can move to implement your funnel.

B2C funnels are typically more oriented to generating email addresses as opposed to phone numbers. A great way to generate leads is by implementing an exit-intent popup with a discount code. This means that whenever users are trying to leave your site, they get a popup offering them a discount code in exchange for their email address. Once you have their email address, you can begin sending them through an automated funnel through email software such as Hubspot or Klaviyo.

There are so many tools that can help you drive leads – too many to count! But unfortunately, it’s not as easy as buying software and watching it magically generate you leads. The tools that are out there are only complementary to your strategy. So, for instance, if you are generating leads through an SEO strategy, you can use AHREFs to help you do keyword research, Thrive Leads to build signup forms, and Hubspot to create an automated email sequence. These tools can be extremely powerful, but they are only a part of the puzzle. The most important aspect of creating a funnel is to pick and implement a strategy first.

Having said that, here are some other great tools you can use to help you with your lead generation. Hunter.io – for finding email addresses. Leadfeeder – for finding what companies are visiting your website. Boomerang for Gmail – for scheduling emails. Hubspot – for everything. Sumo – for capturing emails. Unbounce – for creating landing pages. Zapier – for building automations. Tawk – for live chat. Vyper – for creating social media contests. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but hopefully it gets you in the right direction.

Now that youโ€™ve got your leads, itโ€™s time for the fun part – to take action and reach out to them! How you reach out to them will depend on the type of lead you got (phone or email) and your overall nurturing strategy. If you own a B2B services company, a phone call can be a very easy way to create a quick and powerful connection. You can introduce yourself to the lead, and find out more information about how your business can help them.

If you generated your leads via email, then you have a few other options. The first option is to email them back personally. This works the same as a phone call – the goal is a quick connection (get ’em while they’re hot!). In contrast, some other businesses prefer to coordinate an automated email sequence. Then, when the new lead puts in their information, they automatically receive an email. You can add multiple emails to your sequences, the best way to find out what converts best is to test and optimize continually.

Lead nurturing can vary depending on your goals and your strategy. If you sell physical products, simply emailing discount codes and helpful blog posts can work wonders. It shows the lead that you care and that you can provide value to their life. This sort of email marketing is great for nurturing leads as you get to continually develop a relationship with them. They might not be ready to buy now, but when they are, the first business they will think of will be yours.

If you are in B2B and have already had your first phone call, a great way to nurture your lead is to keep in touch with them via email. Send over any relevant information about your business to them, and check in on them every few days to see if they have any questions or concerns. Don’t be too pushy – nobody likes an overly aggressive salesman. The ultimate goal of nurturing leads is to provide value and build trust.

Absolutely! Many businesses choose to handle their lead generation in-house (as opposed to outsourcing to an agency). Handling your lead generation in-house can give you greater control and oversight over the entire lead generation process. But with the pros, you also have a serious amount of cons. Lead generation is a complicated process – there are many, many moving parts. Depending on your lead generation strategy, you might need to hire anywhere from 3 to 10 people to ensure everything is running to the highest possible level.

If you are running a lead generation campaign on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or SEO, you will need some serious talent to help you strategize and execute the campaign. You will need to hire digital strategists, tech experts, PPC experts, copywriters, graphic designers, and more. Finding and hiring these types of employees can be time consuming and expensive. On the flipside, working with an agency means you get experienced and talented digital marketers who can start working on your lead generation right away.

If you are thinking about hiring an agency to help you with your lead generation, there are a few important things to consider to help you make the right decision. First, what are their reviews like? Google Reviews are one of the best ways to gauge the quality of an agency. If the agency has hundreds of reviews and a rating over 4.8, you know that they care about their customers and can generate real results. Here at First Page, we have over 150 reviews and have maintained a perfect 5/5 star rating (drops mic).

Before calling the agency, itโ€™s also a good idea to have some questions prepared. Here are some things we recommend asking. Do they have any experience in your industry or vertical? Do they have detailed case studies that can show real results? Do they outsource anything? Do they integrate your KPIs into their KPIs?


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