SEO for E-Commerce

E-commerce pages have a unique challenge in SEO, having experts design web pages with well designed SEO will ensure that an investment in a website will be worthwhile. Search Engine Optimisation is the design of content on a website that matches the metadata embedded in the header content of a page. Metadata is given to search engines and then Google checks the site content to rate the site as to where it is positioned in its search page responses.

E-Commerce sites need adjunct content

E-commerce websites that sell products only via an online portal are relying on targeted traffic to that website in order to make sales. Consumers are often going to search engines to look for solutions or answers to their problems. They are also looking for information to assist them in their daily lives. A site that merely presents products is not going to pull rank in search engines.

Sites with excellent content pull heavy traffic from Google

Search engine optimisation for e-commerce sites will have content that relates to the products on the page. When a site offers information on how the product will provide a good experience for the consumer, this is valuable content. For example, for brands in Hong Kong, consumers would be looking for information specific to their lifestyle.

How SEO would work for businesses based in Hong Kong

A restaurant that is based in Hong Kong could have more clients come to visit, for example if a tourist is visiting and looking for a particular restaurant, this site could come up when searched for if it is done correctly. The restaurant could have an e-commerce pre-order menu and booking system, and this would help with purchasing and cash flows, and the content for that site would be related to restaurants in Hong Kong. They could also have on their blog how to get cost effective transport in Hong Kong, activities to do and places to visit as part of their holiday.

SEO helps a website target the right audience

International e-commerce sites can also benefit, especially in exporting and drop-shipping from places like Hong Kong. Many manufacturers and wholesalers can pick up international retailers from different countries if they use their SEO targeted properly, and this in turn will increase their profit margins.

Content marketing assists consumer experience

SEO is not simply about having content marketing, and site information that explains the product, it extends right into having a far better consumer experience. With Google algorithms look for valuable content, and also view backlinks and sites that have consumer ratings and reviews, and can rank sites accordingly. Consumers can trust e-commerce sites with excellent reviews, and see where businesses have rectified any issues. Where e-commerce sites have information that have assisted clients in using products better, consumers have a much better experience.

Trust is imperative in e-commerce

E-commerce sites that have repeat business and that have been around for a number of years and had consumer ratings, quality content and reviews from consumers on their website and social media outrank other websites offering the same product. Search engine optimisation produced and designed by professional digital marketing agencies examine the present status of a brand online, and will enhance and grow reputation, brand recognition and increase profits and repeat business.

SEO involves a number of facets

SEO design is a complex process that takes a number of professionals, including content writers, digital marketing specialists, graphic artists, web developers and sales professionals working together in order to create a quality campaign on a website. A website that has excellent ecommerce SEO and other supporting channels online such as backlinks, site reviews, social media engagement and keyword site content will drive significant traffic to the e-commerce site. Consumers will spend more time on a website with quality content such as blogs, videos and podcasts related to making the best use of the product.