E-E-A-T: The High-stakes SEO Factor You Can’t Ignore!

When it comes to website rankings, E-E-A-T is king.

Hold on… Is that an extra E?

Yes, that is right. Google has added an E to E-A-T. What the heck for?

What are these mysterious letters? To cut to the chase, these letters stand for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

These four words are the essence of what Google expects from a top-quality website. Think of E-E-A-T as a royal acronym, if you will.

It’s the driving force behind Google’s search engine rankings. If your website and its content follow these four simple rules, it has great potential to climb up in SERPs!

So what does this wonderful quartet entail? Let us discover together…

Experience in E-E-A-T really matters
Experience in E-E-A-T really matters

Experience – the new kid on the block!

This “Experience” is the new must-have E in Google’s E-A-T criteria, and it’s causing a stir. 

In December 2022, Google updated its quality rater guidelines to include this element. What does this mean?

The long and short of it is that the search engine giant is now on the lookout for content written by those who have truly lived it up in Bali (for example). 

Want to rank for hiking in Bali? Make sure your writer has trekked Mount Agung. Promoting a specific activity in Bali? Google wants a pro who’s been there, done that, and has the Instagram photos to prove it.

You see, Google wants to ensure that the information about products or services comes from a credible and reliable source, and nothing screams reliability like personal experience. 

So, if you want to up your SEO game and make sure your content stands out among the sea of Bali-based websites, it’s time to make sure your content is coming from real experts!

It could be from locals or travelers who have actually been to Bali and have first-hand experience. Don’t have a Bali expert on your team? Time to start networking and forming partnerships with people who do.

In short, the new “E” in E-E-A-T means that you can’t fake it to make it. Google wants the real deal. 

In this Bali example, to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results, it’s important to ensure that your website’s content comes from experienced and knowledgeable locals or travelers who have actually been to Bali and have practical experience visiting and knowing the place. 

So don’t get left behind. Make sure you have the experience to back up your content, and you’ll be on your way to the top of Google’s search engine results.

Now the new kid is out of the way, let’s recap on the rest (of E-E-A-T)…


So don’t get left behind. Make sure you have the expertise to back up your content, and you’ll be on your way to the top of Google’s search engine results.

Expertise and trustworthiness go hand-in-hand – when it comes to content, you’ve got to know your stuff if you want Google’s stamp of approval. 

That means medical advice should come from doctors; financial advice is best left up to the pros! 

But all hope isn’t lost for those less “formally trained” authors out there – as long as they can prove their in-depth knowledge via reviews or forums, we’d say they’re still good contenders when addressing expert topics…as long as that ‘knowledge’ has a purpose behind it too.


Authority, the “A” in E-A-T, is what makes Google sit up and take notice. It’s like having a squad of cheerleaders for your website, but way cooler.

Authority is all about showing the world that you’re the go-to expert in your field, and the best way to do that is by collecting backlinks from the coolest kids on the block (aka, reliable and relevant websites).

For example, suppose your website is the new hot thing in fashion, and all the cool fashion publications start linking back to your site in their articles. In that case, Google will take notice and consider your site trustworthy and worth recommending.

It’s like being in the “in-crowd,” but instead of popularity, it’s all about being seen as an authority in your field.

So make sure to network and get those backlinks, and you’ll be well on your way to being the authority in your niche.


Trustworthiness, the “T” in E-A-T, makes Google trust you. It’s like being in a relationship, but instead of with a person, it’s with a search engine.

Trustworthiness is all about showing Google that your site is a safe and reliable place for users to visit. And just like in a relationship, communication is key.

A secure domain that keeps users’ personal information under wraps is the equivalent of being a good listener in a relationship. Positive customer reviews, on the other hand, are like having a squad of wingmen vouching for you.

But just like in a relationship, too many negative reviews and Google will start to see your site as a red flag, and your position on the SERPs will take a hit.

So, keep your site secure and your reviews positive, and you’ll be on your way to a solid, trustworthy relationship with Google.

Is E-E-A-T an Algorithm?

Ever wondered how Google decides which websites are the cream of the crop? It’s not a secret algorithm, but rather insight from experts who evaluate sites using criteria set out by ‘Quality Rater Guidelines’.

This feedback helps to shape and refine what results appear when we use our favorite search engine – so these evaluators have an important job in helping us find exactly what we’re looking for!

Want to improve your SEO E-E-A-T? Of course, you do!

E-E-A-T is the secret sauce to a high-ranking website. It’s like a four-course meal, with each element complementing the other.

Experience tells Google you have first-hand experience, and expertise shows Google that you know your stuff.

Authority proves that others think you know your stuff, and trustworthiness, well, it’s the cherry on top that lets Google know that you’re a safe bet.

Improve your E-E-A-T, and you’ll see your website rise through the ranks faster than a hot air balloon. 

What we recommend to improve your E-E-A-T (top tips)!

SEO can be a tricky thing to master, but you don’t need to be an SEO expert to score big… just a few basic tips on E-E-A-T can go a long way toward improving your SEO success.

If you want to uptick your SEO standings, then it’s time for you to get EEAT-ing!

So put down the SEO dictionary and get ready for some quality chow time with these SEO improvement tips.

With E-E-A-T for SEO, give your website a healthy SEO diet!
With E-E-A-T for SEO, give your website a healthy SEO diet!

Want to get the most out of your experience?

Imagine you’re trying to decide between two products, one with a glowing review from a satisfied customer who’s actually used the product and another with a glowing review from someone who’s just repeating what they’ve read online.

Which one are you going to trust? The answer is obvious, right? People trust those who have first-hand experience.

So, the question is, how do you show off your experience and prove to your audience that you’re the real deal?

Here you go:

  • Share case studies or personal anecdotes that demonstrate your expertise and experience
  • Include testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers who have used your products or services
  • Create a detailed and informative product or service guides that show off your in-depth knowledge
  • Share behind-the-scenes looks or process overviews that give insight into your experience and expertise
  • Use data, statistics, and research to back up your claims and demonstrate your authority in your field
  • Create a detailed “About Us” page that showcases the qualifications and experience of your team members
  • Use multimedia such as videos, images, or infographics to showcase your experience and process
  • Show off any certifications or awards that demonstrate your expertise in your field
  • Share your work and experience through social media, such as LinkedIn and Medium

All these suggestions are ways to demonstrate your experience and prove to your target audience that you are the real deal. By incorporating them into your website, you can build trust and increase your website’s E-E-A-T score, which will improve your website ranking.

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Want to show Google that you have the expertise?

Want to show off your website’s expertise? It’s all about understanding what your audience is really craving and giving it to them.

Think of it like being a chef. You need to know your customers’ taste buds before you can whip up a dish they’ll love.

What steps should you take? The first is conducting some serious keyword research and developing a solid strategy. It’s like a menu for your website. It’ll guide you in serving up the right content for your audience.

Here are some more tips:

  • Understand user intent and tailor your content to meet their needs
  • Create useful and informative content that addresses your audience’s specific concerns and interests
  • Regularly blog about topics related to your products or business

It goes without saying that one key SEO skill is understanding your audience and trying to anticipate their intent when making SEO choices.

Knowing what kind of content your readers are looking for, as well as how they may search for it, will give you an edge over the competition.

Knowing the basics is important, but showing expertise in SEO requires an understanding of user intent and how you can use SEO to meet those expectations. 

Just think – with some clever tactics, SEO could move you up the ranks just as swiftly as it gotcha down!

How to dominate your industry and show your authority?

Authority is like the coolest kid at school–the one everyone wants to be friends with. When it comes to ranking in Google, you can show them “even cool kids think I’m cool” by collecting backlinks from relevant and credible sources.

Our top authoritative tips:

  1. Build relationships with influencers and other authoritative figures in your industry. By getting them to link to your website, you can establish your own authority by association.
  2. Guest post on other authoritative websites in your industry. Not only will this give you exposure to a new audience, but it will also give you a backlink from a reputable source.
  3. Sharing is caring, and that’s especially true when it comes to building your brand. By spreading your content around and interacting with leads and customers, you’ll be doing wonders for your website’s authority.

Improving the authority of your website is like It’s like throwing a party.

The more people you invite, the better the party will be. Plus, the more people find out about your party from others, the more that will surely want to come.

Consistency is key. The more you put yourself out there, the more authoritative you’ll be. So, don’t be shy. Get your content out there and watch your website’s authority grow sky-high.

Keen to learn more about on-page SEO?

We have a great post on on-page SEO. You can read it to learn more fast!

UX, SEO, and web design

Want to show Google your a safe bet and worth the ‘trustworthiness’?

Trustworthiness may not have the ‘cool factor’ of other SEO tactics, but it’s like having a good lock on your front door – essential for keeping out any unwanted guests.

Let Google know that you’re playing by their rules – keep spam and malicious content far away from your site and provide reliable information users can trust!

Our top trustworthiness tips:

  1. Make sure your website has an SSL certificate. It’s like a digital “Fort Knox” that tells Google your website is a safe place.
  2. Collect positive customer reviews and testimonials. It’s like having fan groupies cheering and vouching for you.
  3. Handle negative reviews promptly and professionally. It’s like having a fire extinguisher. It shows you’re prepared for any situation.
  4. Keep your website updated, fresh, and free of broken links. Just like a well-maintained garden, a well-maintained website is a sign of care and attention.
  5. Ensure that your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) is consistent across all platforms. It’s like having a business card. It shows you’re a legitimate business.

Showing Google that you’re reliable and secure is key for getting recommended in search engine results; after all, no one wants to come across bad or malicious information when looking up something online!

So don’t think twice about letting trustworthiness be your website’s bodyguard!

Demonstrate that reliability in every way possible, then sit back and watch those search engine rankings climb higher than ever before.

It’s a wrap on E-E-A-T!

So there you have it, folks! E-E-A-T is the recipe for a high-ranking website, no doubt about it.

We’ve just served up some tasty tips to improve your website’s Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to impressing Google and making your website the top dog in your industry.

But remember, just like a chef can’t cook a Michelin-starred meal without the right tools, you can’t achieve high rankings without the right help.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a hand with improving your E-E-A-T, don’t hesitate to contact First Page for expert assistance.

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